Part 1: Social Media Chaos: The Shifting Sands of the Business Landscape

This is Part 1 of our 2-Part series on Social Media Chaos.

In “Part 2: Social Media Chaos: How To Manage The Chaos”, we present six tips for managing the chaos. The Part 2 link is at the end of this article.

When it comes to rapid changes in business technologies and social media, the numbers are so outrageous that they’re simply mind-numbing. Since we’re constantly bombarded with all the latest social media stats, let’s go way back to the 2008 viral video “Did You Know?”. This video gives viewers a taste for just how quickly things have changed. Some of the facts the video presents include (remember this is 2008):

Social Media Outrageous Numbers

  • The number of text messages sent and received every day exceeds the planet’s population
  • While it took radio 38 years to reach an audience of 50 million and television 13 years, it took Facebook only 2 years
  • More unique information was generated in 2008 than in the previous 5,000 years combined
  • Technical information is expanding so rapidly that half the technologies a student in a four-year degree program learns in their first year will be outdated by their third

Perhaps the most striking point made by the Did You Know? video is a point it didn’t even mean to make. In 2008, the video cited the 200 million users of MySpace and barely even mentioned Facebook. Today, MySpace is almost a has-been; Facebook, for its part, has enough members to make it the third most populous nation on Earth – another mind-numbing statistic that most of us can’t even conceptualize.

Today, four years after the Did You Know? video, almost all businesses recognize the need to participate in social media. A Forbes Insights/Weber Shandwick study found that a full two-thirds of CMOs see social media as “critical” to brand success; the same study estimates that in three years 65% of a brand’s reputation will be attributable to online sociability. (Source: Forbes Insights and Weber Shandwick

However, to be successful, businesses must find ways to manage the ever-evolving social media chaos. In “Part 2: Social Media Chaos: How To Manage The Chaos”, we present six tips for managing the chaos. But before you jump to Part 2 (link at the end), read on.

Social Media Precision Within Chaos

Follow the Social Media SheepExperts on what works in social media say that businesses fail when they give in to the urge to “follow” whatever the latest trend in social media is without pausing to develop and maintain a coherent social media strategy. With marketing execs rapidly coming and going from SMEs, social media practices become inconsistent and trends are pursued without being measured.

Melrose Jewelers, a high-end online jewelry retailer, proved the value of precision in their social media strategy. The multi-million dollar company of seventy employees took the time to think their way carefully through their social media position. As a result, their Facebook fan base increased over 600% in one year, generating an additional $2 million in sales.

How did they do it? Melrose Jewelers succeeded for these basic reasons:

#1 – They knew their audience precisely – They knew their target audience was composed of upwardly mobile men and women for whom high-end jewelry was just barely out-of-reach.

#2 – They tailored a precise offer to that audience – Knowing their audience was upwardly mobile but price-sensitive, the company’s promotions were all about the Benjamins: Just for signing up to be a Facebook fan, new fans got a $75 credit towards a purchase.

#3 – They insinuated their brand into their audience’s identity – With clever quizzes like “Which Rolex are you?”, Melrose Jewelers made their brand a part of their audience’s sense of self.


Instead of being tempted to recklessly pursue the various chaotic social media trends, learn from the success of Melrose Jewelers. Strategize social media campaigns around three fundamental questions:

1. Who is my audience – precisely?
2. What can I give to my audience via social media – precisely – that will be of value to them?
3. How will my brand fit in with my audience’s identity?

Social Media Chaos in Three Acts

William Shakesphere and Social Media?Shakespeare couldn’t have written a better drama than the marketing environment social media has created. If the Bard had penned such a drama, the chaos would unfold in three distinct acts:

Act One: Whereupon social media arrives on the shores of the business world and some fail to welcome the newcomer.

The fact that many marketing departments perceive social media as a chaotic tempest is due to the fact that too many departments ignored social media until it was very nearly too late for them. Now they find themselves playing a desperate game of catch-up.

Act Two: Customers choose to snub even the strongest and bravest of advertising campaigners, turning instead to vigorous young Internet denizens savvy with social media.

The waning influence of traditional, top-down advertising means that many marketing departments are being forced to completely reinvent themselves. Such a paradigm shift means that demand for social media talent is huge, but there’s not yet enough talent to go around.

Act Three: Our marketing heroes struggle to judge the outcomes of their valiant efforts.

Even those marketing departments that have taken the time and effort to implement strong social media strategies still aren’t exactly sure how to measure their success… or lack thereof. CEOs everywhere are asking their CMOs, “How is your social media strategy impacting our bottom line?”, leaving many CMOs to stare at their feet and answer, “Uh…”

The chaotic marketing environment created by social media can still be navigated by the savvy marketing professional; and in “Part 2: Social Media Chaos: How To Manage The Chaos”, we present six tips for managing the chaos.

Post your comments. Tell us what you think about social media chaos below.

Part 2: Social Media Chaos: How To Manage The Chaos

This is Part 2 of our 2-Part series on Social Media Chaos.

In “Part 1: Social Media Chaos: The Shifting Sands of the Business Landscape”, we present the chaotic marketing environment created by social media.

To recap the last few paragraphs of Part 1, here’s how companies fall victim to hasty mistakes in each of the three Acts of Social Media Chaos:

  1. While hurrying to catch up in social media, companies pass over careful planning, instead flinging themselves into the social media fray without checking to see which channels are right for them, which can be left out, and whether or not they’re reaching their audience.
  2. Companies struggling with social media talent find themselves rapidly switching from one strategy to another as leadership changes, or else never settling upon a social media strategy that works for their business.
  3. Measuring the success of social media with the same ol’ marketing metrics is a little like trying to measure the width of a canyon using a speedometer. Companies not only need to rethink marketing strategies, they also have to rethink how they will measure social media success.

How to Manage the (Social Media) Chaos

As we stated in Part 1, the chaotic marketing environment created by social media can still be navigated by the savvy marketing professional. Here’s six tips for managing the chaos.

How To Manage The Social Media Chaos?

  1. Good social media may look spontaneous, but organization is still a must. Altimeter Group, a research-based consulting firm, found many large corporations managing an average of 178 social media accounts. As a result, businesses are struggling to coordinate their marketing message across different channels and prevent brand fragmentation. Social media management software is emerging to help businesses manage these various accounts; your marketing department would be wise to invest in a tool like this to assist with organizing, tracking, and measuring social media campaigns.
  2. Live in the present, look to the future. They say that those who don’t know history are bound to repeat it. When websites came on the marketing scene, too many businesses wrote them off at first – exactly as many would later write off Facebook, Twitter, blogging, and YouTube. Don’t make the same mistake three times: Make sure your social maedia marketing team lives in the present, not the past, while it simultaneously keeps an eye on the future.
  3. Speaking of the future, look at your mobile device. Smartphones are no longer the next “big thing;” smartphones are a big thing that’s already here. What is your company doing to reach out to mobile users, especially social media mobile users? How have you optimized your website for them? How are you making your brand a part of their on-the-go lifestyle? If you don’t have answers to these questions, you need to find them quickly.
  4. Got talent? Get it. Marketers very much need to either recruit or create social media talent within their organizations. However, the next generation of (social media) marketers that you build should be defined by their creativity, curiosity, and flexibility, not just a simple checklist of computer skills. For example, you don’t just want a Facebook wiz; you want someone who can envision a post-Facebook world – because the time will eventually come, perhaps sooner than any of us can guess, when Facebook will become MySpace and some new network will reign supreme.
  5. Be brave enough not to imitate. You may feel safe by looking at what a successful competitor is doing in social media and imitating their model. Yet remember what your mother asked you all those years ago about copying your friends: “If your friend jumped off a bridge, would you?” Indeed, many companies have jumped (or were pushed) off bridges in the last several years. The iPhone and Droid dethroned Nokia; online video streaming and Roku boxes stopped the meteoric rise of Netflix. Follow the advice in tip #4 and succeed without being a copycat.
  6. Charles Darwin and Social Media?Remember Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin observed that it wasn’t necessarily the strongest or smartest species that survives a challenging time; it is the species that is most capable of adapting. If we could boil “Social Media Chaos” down into one statement, it would be this single, astute observation.

This is Part 2 of our 2-Part Social Media Chaos Series.

In “Part 1: Social Media Chaos: The Shifting Sands of the Business Landscape”, we present the chaotic marketing environment created by social media.

What Mattered In 2011 For Social Media? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Whichever way you look at it, 2011 was a very big year for news and social media carried a lot of weight.

From the death of Osama Bin Laden, the Japanese earthquake and tsunami and the London riots, through to the Royal Wedding, Occupy Wall Street and the return of Charlie Sheen, this year had a lot to talk about and social media carried a lot of “talking” weight.

It was a big 12 months for technology, too, and social media flexed it’s ever-growing muscles to get the word out.

LinkedIn, Groupon and Pandora went public, Google+ launched, Twitter reached 100 million active users and an $8 billion valuation, and there was a big Timeline redesign on Facebook. And social media flexed it’s ever-growing muscles to get the word out on the tech sector.

Not to mention some new entries to social media’s growing collection of faux pas from celebrities, politicians and big business.

This infographic takes a look at what mattered in 2011 for social media.

What Mattered In 2011 For Social Media? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Source: Flowtown

Share your thoughts and comments about the “What Mattered In 2011 For Social Media? Infographic, below.

Infographic – Highest Value Digital Consumers – Social Media, Local Social Media and Mobile

According to Nielsen, these days, Social Media, Local Social Media and Mobile seems to be driving much of the conversation about online opportunities. But at the end of the day, there is only one constant common denominator across the Web: the consumer. An understanding of this consumer and how they are influenced by social, mobile and local experiences online is vital to big brands looking to reach them on the Web. Nielsen and NM Incite, a Nielsen/McKinsey company, illustrate some findings that highlight digital consumer behaviors and consumption patterns that can help brand advertisers understand their most valuable customers and how they’re engaging across social media, local social media and mobile.

Highest Value Digital Consumers – Social Media, Local Social Media and Mobile: Social Media Infographic

Social Media Consumers

Highest Value Digital Consumers – Social Media, Local Social Media and Mobile: Local Social Media Infographic

Local Social Media Consumers

Highest Value Digital Consumers – Social Media, Local Social Media and Mobile: Mobile Infographic

Mobile Consumers

Source Information:

Social Media:
1. Nielsen, @Plan (Release 3 2011). Social Networking Activities, Online 18+
2. Nielsen, @Plan (Release 3 2011). Social Networking Activities, Online 18+
3. Nielsen, @Plan (Release 3 2011). Social Networking Activities – Comment on others postings, Profiled by Demo
4. Nielsen, @Plan (Release 3 2011). TV/Internet Concurrent Usage (Yesterday) – Used TV/Internet Concurrently (Yesterday), Online 18+
5. Nielsen, @Plan (Release 3 2011). Social Networking Activities – Any Social Networking Activity, Profiled by TV Programming Viewership
6. NM Incite, State of Social Media Survey (April 2011). Parents = Have Children <18 7. Nielsen, Global Online Survey (Q1 2011) Local Social Media: 1. Nielsen, Cross-Platform Report (Q2 2011) 2. Nielsen, App Playbook (Q1 2011) 3. Nielsen, NetView, Home & Work (August 2011 v. August 2009) 4. NM Incite, State of Social Media Survey (April 2011). Access locations among social media users 5. Nielsen, @Plan (Release 3 2011). PRIZM Segment, Own PDA Smartphone, Profiled by DMA 6. Nielsen, App Playbook (Q1 2011) Mobile: 1. Nielsen, Mobile Connected Device Report (Q2 2011) 2. Nielsen, Mobile Connected Device Report (Q2 2011) 3. Nielsen, Mobile Media View Internet, All Carriers (August 2011). Mobile Internet refers to the use of a Web browser on a mobile device. 4. Nielsen, App Playbook (Q1 2011) 5. Nielsen, App Playbook (Q1 2011) 6. Nielsen, App Playbook (Q1 2011) Return to top: Infographic – Highest Value Digital Consumers – Social Media, Local Social Media and Mobile

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