Bob Iger (Disney) Comments on Disney’s New Streaming Services and the unbundling of Cable TV content (short video)

In this short video, Bob Iger, Chairman and CEO of The Walt Disney Company, discusses Disney’s New Streaming Services and the future of Digital Media and the unbundling of Cable TV content.

Bob Iger has something to say about how Disney is looking ahead at this inevitable future. Disney owns some (most?) of the most valuable entertainment content assets out there and from that perspective, Bob Iger’s comments are invaluable. Disney, which also includes ABC, ESPN, Pixar, and the new Star Wars and Marvel franchises, according to Bib Iger, is well-positioned for the general move towards cable unbundling. However, the major Pay-TV providers business current models around bundling, including Disney, are certainly being disrupted by OTT (digital over the top). As we all know, OTT has been touted as the Holy Grail for the future of TV and video.

Which would prefer? Pay for only the content you consume or overpay for content bundles that include programming that you don’t care about? Sounds like a no-brainer so why not cancel your cable subscription in favor of Netflix, Amazon (Prime) or Hulu? Perhaps ~$10 a month vs. ~$70 a month? According to Tech Crunch “In a simplistic generalization, unbundling would remove the subsidization of pay TV, banishing the requirement for every pay TV subscriber to bear the cost of content that only a portion of the subscriber base actually wants and consumes, e.g., sports content, typically the most expensive channels.”

Watch this short video to hear what Bob Iger has to say about unbundling contnet, the current and future state of the entertainment industry, and what Disney’s position is on all of the above.

“Bob Iger (Disney) Comments on the unbundling of Cable TV content)” is also available on 4thWEB’s Facebook Channel

Social Video Marketing – What Really Drives Sharing? [Video]

2 Emmy-nominated experts discuss how Social Video Marketing is driven by the same rules that influenced mass sharing for centuries. Fascinating.

This video was published in late 2012. Have you seen it? It features Fritz Grobe and Stephen Voltz speaking at a TED conference. Fritz and Stephen are viral video and social video marketing experts. They’re also principals at Eepybird Studios. EepyBird has received four Webby Awards and two Emmy nominations. And was also voted “Game Changer of the Decade” on Fritz and Stephen have compiled a list of common elements that are inherent in every social video. It’s the very essence of what really drives the sharing of a social video. According to Fritz and Stephen, there are four main areas that contribute. And they discuss these in this 19 minute video. Almost every successful social video and social video marketing campaign follows these four fascinating rules.

More on Fritz, Stephen and EepyBird. Fritz and Stephen’s first online social video featured the explosive combination of Coke and Mentos. Advertising Age called their early viral social video work the most important commercial content of the year. They did social video marketing campaigns for ABC Family, OfficeMax, and more. They’ve also received two Emmy nominations and four Webby Awards. They have appeared several times on The Late Show with David Letterman. And also on The Today Show, Ellen, Mythbusters, and more. Fritz and Stephen created and refined their proprietary social video marketing analytic approach over many years. And they continue to refine every day. Stephen has a law degree from NYU and practiced as a trial lawyer for over 20 years in Boston. Fritz studied math at Yale until he dropped out to become an award-winning circus performer.

Social Video Marketing - What Really Drives Sharing?

This new video, “Social Video Marketing – What Really Drives Sharing?”, is also available on 4thWEB’s Facebook Channel

Social Media Video – Socialnomics 2015 – Future Insights in 2 Minutes

In this new Social Media Video, “Socialnomics 2015”, (and the “Socialnomics 2017”, latest update) Erik Qualman shows us the way forward.

Eric Qualman wrote the book on the how’s and why’s of Social Media. And the influence Social Media has had on our personal and business lives. This new Social Media video is spot on. It’s insightful. It’s a must see. Anyone interested in where Social Media is headed in 2015 and beyond should watch it. Eric has also done an update to his original “Socialnomics” book. This second edition, like the first, is backed by extensive research. And that research was driven by hundreds of meetings and interviews. Those interviews and meetings were with Fortune 1000 companies, small businesses, colleges and universities, and non-profits. And Eric Qualman’s latest research was used in the making of this new Social Media video. Enjoy this best selling authors’ point of view in this brand new Social Media video. Take a look and let us know what you think. Do you think it’s spot on?

Social Media video

This new video on Social Media, “Socialnomics 2015”, is also available on 4thWEB’s Facebook Channel