Web Design, Web Development, Database Development, Application Solutions, Turnkey CMS Framework Solutions. With nearly infinite pixels, data, topics, speeds, metrics, and more, our available work palette for doing Web Design and Web Development is bigger, better and faster than it’s ever been before. But the best ideas are still few and far between. And execution always determines success. So very few of even the very best Web Design or Web Development ideas get implemented. We consider ourselves fortunate that many of our ideas have been implemented. Thanks to our high standard of client and team collaboration, work ethicand our “get it done” attitude.
Our Web Design, custom Web Development, Database Development and Application Solutions, and our Turnkey CMS Framework Solutions, deliver a high price/performance and usability/lifecycle ratio for maximum business efficiency. Many of our latest projects utilize both custom and turnkey solutions, and many of our custom applications are designed to be populated accross all branded social channels. Social Media Apps need to provide the same functionality, connect to the same code base and database, and provide a consistent user interface and experience wherever accessed.
Our core technical competencies are based solidly in the technologies, disciplines and standards that support the design, development and deployment of Web applications, Mobile applications and Databases, including mission critical applications. Currently, we develop in HTML5, CSS3, Java/Javascript, and PHP5 whenever possible, and utilize other languages and frameworks (C++, Ruby on Rails, etc.) based on project requirements. Backends are typically MySQL or PostgreSQL and we have also worked extensively with MS SQL Server. Over the last few years especially, our Web Design and Web Development work almost always involves integration with Facebook, Twitter, Google+ YouTube and other Social Network APIs.
Our Web Design and Web Development work typically features an extensive feature set, complete layout customization, intuitive interface, customizable framework for a variety of businesses, and highly-functional and administrative backend (control panel, etc.)
Our Web Design and Web Development work includes extensive buildouts and customization of turnkey Web Applications in the following areas.
- Reservations, Booking and Ticketing – Front-end, Back-end, Back Office
- Ecommerce, Storefronts, Shopping Carts (physical and virtual inventory)
- Partner/Affiliate Systems
- Content Management – CMS
- Subscription Management
- Community Management and Social Networking
- Customer Relationship Management – CRM
- Sales Force Automation – SFA
- Browser-based, Server-side, Back Office Support
- Browser-based, Server-side, Desktop Office Applications
- Customer Profiles and Surveys
- Blogs
- Forums
- And more
In Our Web Design and Web Development work, we utilize the following technologies, languages and methods
- UNIX software development
- Windows .NET software development
- SQL Server, PostgreSQL and MySQL database design, programming and consulting
- Application re-engineering and re-factoring
- HTML5 and CSS3 Programming>
- PHP Programming
- Java Programming
- Javascript Programming
- C, C++ and C# Programming
- Ruby on Rails Programming
- Quality Assurance
- Creation of distribution packages with application installation
- System audit
- Security audit
- Technical Support
- Detailed Help System
- User Guides
- Tutorials
- And more