TED Talks: Why We’re All TED-Heads – Infographic

Here’s an Infographic about TED Talks at TED.com – an online idea-sharing and education platform and one of the most successful and well-known. TED Talk videos have been viewed over 800 million times since 2006. With names like Bill Clinton, Sergey Brin, Steve Jobs and Jane Goodall, the roster of TED speakers reads like a who’s-who of today’s living scientists, educators and humanitarians. Now, six years after uploading its first video, TED.com is innovating online education yet again.

TED Talks Infographic

A new site,TED-ed.com now provides a platform for teachers and students to share video lessons. Teachers can modify, or “flip”, the videos to make them more relevant to their own lessons and use the site’s test and project writing tools to measure comprehension. The site continues to build its video lesson library by bringing user-nominated educators and animators together to create multimedia videos on everything from the mathematical genius of Archimedes to the significance of the Higgs-Boson particle discovery.

Infographic Source: OnlineClasses.org

The World Without You (The Internet) – Infographic

So, what would the world be like without you … the Internet? Almost everything we do has some connection to the internet. Aside from the fact that we wouldn’t be writing or reading this post, can you imagine life without it? Well, the following Infographic does and here are some highlights:

  • Since 2002, the number of internet users has quadrupled to 2.3 billion people worldwide.
  • The internet allows us to connect with virtually anyone.
  • The internet gives us access to an infinite amount of information.
  • There are 550 million websites (300 million added in 2011)
  • $6.3 trillion – the cost of stamps to replace emails (US alone).
  • Each internet job supports 1.54 additional jobs.
  • There are 30 billion pieces of content shared on Facebook PER MONTH.
  • The fall of the Berlin wall took 4 months.
  • It took just 1 week for 90,000 Egyptians to organize a revolution.
  • And only 18 days to overthrow 30 years of dictatorship.

The World Without You (The Internet)

Infographic Source

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The World Without You (The Internet) - Infographic

Google+ For Business [Infographic]

We recently came accross this Infographic that helps illustrate the strengths of the Google+ social network. Plus some interesting factoids, features and tips that you may not know about. Like: A whopping 60% of Google+ users log in every single day (that’s 60% of over 90,000,000 users); and, a whopping 80% engage on a weekly basis.

Google+ For Business [Infographic]

Infographic Source: Chris Brogan

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Please share your thoughts about this Google+ For Business [Infographic] (or any other comments or thoughts you might have) in the comments section below.

Social Business and the Growth of Shared Value [Infographic]

In some of our more recent articles, we’ve been writing about Social Business ROI and the five stages of Social Media Engagement. And that enterprises typically achieve highly desirable social business outcomes through shared value.

We recently came accross this Infographic that helps illustrate the growth of shared value while deftly highlighting our social enterprise roots.

Of course we know that many businesses were very social long before social businesses were referred to as such; and long before social media/social networks came into existence. The new social paradigm, from a business PoV, is really the way that enterprises have reorganized and restructured their business around the social experience. Sounds simple enough but this is quite a profound change in the way that most enterprises operate with their customers and stakeholders (employees, suppliers, stockholders, etc.). It will be interesting to see how enterprises continue to restructure around the continuing social experience evolution. In the meantime, when you look into the background of what goes into the “social business movement,” the threads reach back a long way, giving social businesses far more momentum and much deeper roots than many people realize.

Haydn Shaughnessy, who helped put this Infographic together, describes the three included social strands, as follows.

#1 Technology — Has been pushing businesses towards greater openness and collaboration for a decade. It has its roots in open source, reaching back to the early 1990s.

#2 Marketing — Since the 1990s, marketers have been trying to go social, first with loyalty programs and now with social media.

#3 And then there’s the pure strand: The Social Enterprise — is reflected in good corporate social responsibility. That reaches back to the old mutuals, organizations that did pretty well through the recession.

The implications are that companies need to think more broadly about their social business strategies, and not just confine themselves to doing social media in the enterprise. In essence, they need to look at what additional rewards employees and customers might be looking for, in return for participation with brands. The added reward we call “shared value,” indicating that in a world where the “share” is king (not “content”), sharing has to have tangible value.

Scroll down to see all the strands of social business as they’re evolved over the past thirty years.

Social Business and the Growth of Shared Value

Infographic Source: Global Dawn

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Infographic: Facebook's IPO – What You Need To Know

Infographic: Facebook's IPO - What You Need To Know

Our obsession with Facebook has propelled it to insane heights.

What does this mean for the company? Money. And lots of it.

Rumers of Facebook’s IPO are flying and Wall Street is expecting a record-shattering amount of cash to be raised.

How do the projected numbers break down?

Here are some interesting answers and projections on the proposed upcoming Facebook IPO.


Infographic: Facebooks IPO - What You Need To Know

Source Information: AccountingDegreeOnline.net

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