The World Without You (The Internet) – Infographic

So, what would the world be like without you … the Internet? Almost everything we do has some connection to the internet. Aside from the fact that we wouldn’t be writing or reading this post, can you imagine life without it? Well, the following Infographic does and here are some highlights:

  • Since 2002, the number of internet users has quadrupled to 2.3 billion people worldwide.
  • The internet allows us to connect with virtually anyone.
  • The internet gives us access to an infinite amount of information.
  • There are 550 million websites (300 million added in 2011)
  • $6.3 trillion – the cost of stamps to replace emails (US alone).
  • Each internet job supports 1.54 additional jobs.
  • There are 30 billion pieces of content shared on Facebook PER MONTH.
  • The fall of the Berlin wall took 4 months.
  • It took just 1 week for 90,000 Egyptians to organize a revolution.
  • And only 18 days to overthrow 30 years of dictatorship.

The World Without You (The Internet)

Infographic Source

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The World Without You (The Internet) - Infographic

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